Another chunk was spent turning green at the grinder while I pulvarized feed samples into a powder that results in hazy air and irritated senses accompanied with itchy rashes in my elbow pits. Although not particularly fun, it was surprisingly a nice reprieve from the hours of studying many days, but other days it just turned me into a She-Hulk--green and grumpy.
I survived the dreary, however, and managed to come out conquerer, because look what I can do now...
The impecunious dilettante pretended to be a polyglot to impress the debutante, but as he spoke garrulously in different languages he didn't know on various pastiches, he made many solecisms. The effronteric girl who was initially excited to find a fellow speaker of her language who also had exorbitant ardor for art felt lugubrious at the boys affection and vituperated him for it, and then made a tangential comment to change the subject.
...make ridiculous long run-on sentences filled with big words I'm not sure I'm using right.
Not only did I survive, but I even managed to have a little bit of fun too. All the family came to visit and see the new house. It was one big party.
My parents and I took a trip to Victoria on Vancouver Island in British Columbia where we did all sorts of fun things, including ZIP LINING!
I also better include the day trip I took with a bunch of friends to Cour de Alene to play in Silverwood.

Yes, apparantly girls still have cooties and boys still come from Mars.
Last and certainly not least, my summer went out with a bang when my old roommate came to visit where we played around Seattle and Moses Lake.

So even though I complain about how unexciting the majority of my summer was, it wasn't all bad at all, and it was definitely memorable, for the better and the worse.
Having you here made it GREAT for us!!!!
Woah, I guess you did have some fun after all! Who needs to go to graduate school if you can talk like that already. That last shot looks photo-shopped. Is it? Or did you two grow huge one day when I was at work and terrorize the Puget Sound Area?
I'm glad that you were able to have some fun this summer or i would have been rather disapointed in my lifelong friend for letting a moses lake summer be wasted. I can't believe summer is over! So glad you're back though.
Your Seattle picture with Jesse looks superimposed-I thought it was funny that Ben was wearing his old PE shirt-amazing job Dad taking a picture mid flight!-and I wonder who got pulverized more-they hay or your sinuses. So, I completely forgot you had this blog. SO SORRY. How could I?! I helped you come up with the title! I am ashamed. hence, no comments from me for the last millennia. But I have skimmed over it, and I love it. See you sooner than later
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