Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

I may or may not have just spent a wee portion of a class period and the past hour plus indulging in this: (Delicious food, fun cooking, and amazing photography--three things dear to my heart. I couldn't stop.)

and this: (A bottomless pit to a vast array of food blogs and websites. I may never emerge again. I will practice self control. I will practice self control. I will practice...)

You may have already been aquainted with said websites, but all I can say is this may become a problem for me. So if you're slightly strange like me and delight in this kind of thing, please enjoy; however, I warn you, I was allowing myself one more page to drool over for an hour. And that was just for today. Now, if only I could channel such attentiveness and fixation to my textbooks I was planning on reading during that hour.


Mama Tales said...

I look at your blog while the chocolate sauce is cooking, I'm making supper, and getting ready for bookclub. NO TIME TO LOOK AT SITES!!!!!!Maybe tomorrow?

Mrs. Klis said...

How irresponsible of you Michelle. I'm appalled. I never engage in such frivolous activities when I ought to be doing other things.

HA! just kidding!
thanks for giving me ANOTHER one to look at. I was getting bored in Channel's class....

lanita said...

Um, yeah. I'm gonna need a good block of time to search through these treasures. I especially liked the tastespotting website. Ohhhh, can't wait, can't wait.