Monday, May 30, 2011

Lesson Learned, the Second Go-around: A short history of the locks of love, or lack thereof.

The wee hours of the morning are meant for sleeping, not awakedness. Otherwise weird things might just happen, things you may or may not have done had you been more fully on your mettle (I just learned that phrase. I had never heard it before. It's kind of strange, so I had to use it), things you may or may not regret in the morning. This I have learned, now multiple times over. How was I to know though? I was never warned about this. I was always taught different consequences for staying up and out too late. Allow me to explain.

Way back in high school, I sported these swoop bangs, as noted in this picture:

I enjoyed those for a couple of years, until my second semester of college, at about 2:00 in the morning to be exact, when I asked my roommate to simply trim up such swoop bangs. After the scissors were out, the hair was cut, and a mumbled oops from roommate was heard, I ended up with these:

After a couple days of grumbling, and many days after the fact, a few laughs, I decide bangs aren't so much my thing, and begin to grow them out...

...and grow them out some more.

After a couple of years of this, I decide to try my hand at swoop bangs once again, and turns out, I was overall pleased with the outcome.

And well, one thing led to another and I find myself with these as a result of another late night:

Striking resemblance? Yup, I know. Thought I would have learned my lesson the first time around? Me too. Hopefully next time I'll remember to just go to bed. Until then, the grow out process begins once again.

***All photos were used for the sole purpose of demonstration. Please excuse any blurriness or weirdness.


Mrs. Klis said...

Oh I think they look cute! Really it's not so bad :)

Mama Tales said... know what I think? You are a princess and are beautiful in and with ANY kind of bang!!!! And it looks like you did a BANG UP job!

Rebecca said...

i'm going to have to rebuttle your entire blog preamble to this photo-you look still-STUNNING

Kelsey and Jon Edwards said...

First of all I'd like to give a shout out to myself in the first picture! I feel special.
Second of all I think you should totally rock those bangs. I love them on you! Plus I have found bangs make me feel mysterious..which is always fun.