Monday, September 12, 2011

I couldn't say it better.

There I was, sitting in class today, very much zoning out, when it occurred to me that this is exactly how I feel:

Just when I reach the point to where I just barely don't understand, I'm suddenly thrust in and forced to do it. It's a whirlwind, let me tell you, and it's pretty terrifying at times, and all I want to do is shove my dragging heals into the ground and say, "Now wait! What is it I'm supposed to do?!" The only thing I can't quite relate to from this clip is the "that was fun" part, or the "I really enjoyed that" feeling. The only feeling I have is that my Eastern Australian Current is going to be a little bit longer than theirs.


Mama Tales said...

You're right, couldn't say it better! Even I can relate to the clip when you put it that way! Thanks Michelle, and I hope you DO look back and are glad for the ride!

rachel said...

Michelle...Well said! Mike and I are cracking up! Hang in there!

lanita said...

I love that clip. I have often thought of it in my life at various times. It really is too perfect. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.

Papa Beaver said...

Hmmmm. I have never looked back at school and said "That was Fun". There were fun moments.... Some of the friends made and experiences enjoyed and/or endured were precious or instructive beyond measure. It was a unique time when we could do things next to impossible now. But fun...... Look for those moments. They are precious. Just like those stripy slippers!
Love you too much,
Papa Beaver