Friday, October 1, 2010

Typical Day of Learning

Much of the past week was spent in the library, learning lots of things. Here's about how the process went:
  • TBI stands for Traumatic Brain Injury.
  • Blasterball on my phone is amazingly distracting and addictive.
  • For every female that stutters, there are 5 males.
  • It's amazing the places you can actually fall asleep when you reach a certain point of exhaustion.
  • Areas of communication challenge in TBI (see bullet point 1): semantic, verbal pragmatics, nonverbal pragmatics
  • When I put my Flava-craze Tropical Twist chapstick on right before I drink a bunch of water it tastes like juice.
  • High school seniors aren't the only ones that suffer from seniorities.
  • Something about z scores, standard deviations, normal curves, sampling, blah, blah, blah...
  • Even if I'm not particularly tired, I can still manage to fall asleep studying this real special information.
  • Wait until you're fully awakened before going to the bathroom after waking up from a nap in the library or you might stumble into the wrong bathroom: Lesson learned.
  • There are 23 muscles that attach to the Hyoid Bone, most of which assist in the speech process.
  • Fact: The day you don't shower or put much care into outward appearance is the day you will run into the majority of people you know.
  • If I don't focus better, I will do very poorly on the tests I have this week...but then again, I kind of quit caring. Vicious cycle.
It's been a productive week.


Rebecca said...

Looks like you need to be learning sleep patterns and cycles. 23?! really? I think I may need to buy some Flava-craze chapstick!

Papa Beaver said...

You should try mixing flavors of chapstick, a little peppermit rolaids and you have a sparkler! I really relate to the distraction problem, whats the weather like outside, the statistic I like best is the normal deviate: we are all one.

Mrs. Klis said...

Umm you walked into the wrong bathroom??!! That's great.