Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Sitting in front of the mailbox. Waiting for the mailman to come. Waiting to come home to an envelope from one of four places, or do I dare say, four envelopes from all four places sitting on my kitchen table. Sitting at my computer waiting for the much too anticipated for notifications to come. Waiting to make future plans that are really in the not so distant future that are demanding to be made yesterday. Wishing for the arrival of acceptance or rejection letters. Wishing, in a strange sort of terrifying way for at least one, just one acceptance to graduate school.

This has been my life for the past month. The anticipation will be the death of me.


Rebecca said...

Jack can summarize things pretty well. I think you should wait until they ALL come before you open one up. That will be good for you!!! he he he

lanita said...

Ugh, Michelle. The waiting game is so excruciatingly painful. Hang in there, girl!