Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mommy wow! I'm a big kid now.

I just made me some macaroni and cheese. I used Seattle Space Needle noodles. Not only do I eat the crust of my bread now, but I actually prefer it. I rode a bike with no hands for about 5 seconds the other day--a personal record. I don't use bumpers when bowling, even though it would not necessarily always be that way if I had my choice. I successfully parallel parked today for the first time since before my driving test. That was over six years ago. Rather than just avoiding using it altogether, I finally brought myself to stick my hand down the dark and mysterious kitchen sink to retrieve the foreign object from the garbage disposal for the first time. Big gulps. I can stay composed and walk outside in pitch darkness without breaking into a nervous run. I got accepted and I'm going to graduate school. Bigger gulps.

I didn't know I had it in me.


Mrs. Klis said...

I'm so proud! I eat my crusts and I parallel park when I must but I do not stick my hand in the disposal (unless properly gloved) and I'm still working on being afraid of the dark.

Kelsey and Jon Edwards said...

I knew you had it in you!
That's so so cool and big of you. Really. You are a grown up.
So happy for you!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Welcome to the grown up world Michelle! You will make a BIG contribution.

So.......where are you going? Do tell. Do tell.

Mama Tales said...

I don't know how to tell you this.....you've been hanging in this world for a while now! Doing a pretty good job of it too!!!!!

Papa Beaver said...

You know how Harry Potter can wave his wand and make the white stag appear to chase the dementors away? That is kind of how I deal with the kind of situations you just described, except my patronos looks like a demented lunatic and goes screaming off into the distance being chased by the kooties from the disposal, monsters of the night, or whatever the fear of the day may be.
I love you and am so proud of you!