What good does a pair of glasses with only one ear piece do? I had the opportunity to find out and ask the boy using the computer next to me in the library. Alas I did not. I remain confused.
What is so appealing about anything that's less than good for you?
What question could possibly need to be answered so urgently to hold the whole class up and make them late I could not say, especially if I quit listening.
I wonder if all missing socks are stashed away with Waldo and Carmen Sandiego.
What on earth is so distracting in the bathroom that it remains occupied for so long at the exact moment I need it the most?
Why there are handicapped parking spots at Gold's gym is beyond me.
How is it possible to have no idea what you're doing, yet still manage to do it?
I can't comprehend how listening to your iPod/car radio for your neighbor 10 blocks away to hear is worth the resulting repercussions of blowing out your cochlea and ruining your hearing for the rest of your life.
I'm not so sure how the next few years are going to pan out so much.
Where is the black abyss of my computer where it hides 25 page study guides and other important documents that were saved 176 times over?
Feel free to shed any degree of light on any of the above topics.
When we moved I think I through out the odd socks from when you were six. I reconciled myself to never finding the match!
....and, I am SO SO sorry about the study guide. A shout out to Mike for trying to rescue you...THANK YOU MIKE. Good luck Michelle.
I bet Waldo knows where your study guide is!!
Hey Roo,
I'm killing time waiting for mom to get home and was perusing your old photo blog. You have some great pics!! How about a few new ones sometime?
Wow. My brain just exploded.
Yea...annnnd WHY am I always so excited to give Easter baskets full of candy when 30 seconds after they are given I already resent it?
I, actually have all the missing socks.
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