Saturday, April 2, 2011

Near Dilemma

Perfect cure for nervous energy: a nice run on a nice day. Tired and coming back sooner than later. Attempt-to-walk-through-front-door-result: walking into front door as door unyieldingly resists push. That's me. Yup. Unbeknownst to me...locked. Hm. Side door I purposefully unlocked? Attempted. Indeed locked as well. Oh dear. Remain calm. Ring door bell. Anybody actually home? Nope. Not a soul. Bang on door and yell. Still no soul decides to emerge. Keys? On my bed. Which is in room. Which is in house. Which is locked. Phone to call somebody? With keys. In my room. In locked house. Does no good. Other options? Pester neighbors to let me use their phones to call roommate with key. Just kidding. Don't know phone numbers. New idea: sit on front steps and wait for somebody to come home. Bleh. Boring and lame. Time is of essence. Must be another way. Windows! Brilliant...hopefully. Window #1: locked. Window #2: unlocked. Slides open upon resistance. Eagerness and delight swell. Next step: through the window. Just barely too high for accomplishment. Hmph. Cinder block? Maybe, but what else. Wander around exterior of house in search for much needed booster. Bike, not stable enough. Big huge would-be-helpful bin, but full of junk. Rock climbing shoes! Don't exist on these premises. No good. Quick break for an allergy sneeze attack. Carrying on. Wait. What? Could it be so simple? A little ladder? Indeed! Drag to window. Climb up. Shove over sized body into said little window. Slightly scrape back in the process. Avoid falling on roommate's bed with dirty shoes and sweaty body. Quick fist pump of celebration. Penetration of locked house: Complete.


Mama Tales said...

Oh, did this bring back a memory!!! OR TWO! We SO need to swapp stories! I'm pretty good about remembering locked doors and keys now! Although I have had a chid lock me out (you shall remain nameless) and the neighbor have to help me in......we'll chat! Do you think this is genetic?

lanita said...

Michelle, you are too funny. Love your writing!

Rebecca said...

You have got a gift for telling a story!! Just like Mister Markus! Details of the essence, I was picturing everything! I don't know if I could even identify that I had actually thought all those things. You should seriously SERIOUSLY start working on a book-comedy for sure-HEY how 'bout a script for Micah?!

Kelsey and Jon Edwards said...

This is perfect. I can totally see your every move as you solve this near delimma.
Bravo for succeeding.

rachel said...

I can see I've got to slow down and start paying attention to what I am actually thinking! Is that the trick to your hilariousness? Well, perhaps you're just quick, but I'd have to slow down... but then my delivery would always be delayed. Oh...just keep writing, I love your posts!