Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Pyramid Scheme

                                  Peer mentoring of 1st year grad students.              The male species.
                 Slight flooding of my room
                                        School: 9 credit hours in 8 weeks, thesis, clients Monday through Thursday.
 Called to the Relief Society presidency. 
                          Thesis topic changed, yet again. Back to ground 0.

Add just one thing to the mix above, and suddenly, you get this:

                                       The male species.
                               Slight flooding of my room
                    Called to the Relief Society presidency.
                   Peer mentoring of 1st year grad students.
            Thesis topic changed, yet again. Back to ground 0
 9 credit hours in 8 weeks, thesis, clients Monday through Thursday.

*sigh of relaxation* Now that's much more managable.
How am I supposed to stand strong without a good pair of shoes on my feet? How is my pyramid supposed to stay sturdy without a good foundation? It won't if I'm not wearing shoes. I'd say shoes are a good foundation. They turn the craziness, the uneasiness, the out of control into the neatness above.

This, my friends, is the most balanced equation (wo)man has ever known:
  • 1 pair of wedges + 1 pair of boots + 1 pair of flip flops + 2 pairs of flats + 1 pair of high heals + 1 pair of boat shoes + 1 pair of slippers + 1 pair of rip off Toms + an 8 month span = survival + the illusion of being seemingly put together and in control
"Look at that girl flailing around running from one thing to the next like a chicken with her head cut off. Oh, but check out those shoes. She's totally got it together." "This girl cannot be my clinician. Like she's going to be able to teach me how to better communicate as my speech therapist? On second thought, those are some pretty sweet kicks. Maybe she really does know what she's doing." "I can't handle everything! It's all going to come crashing down! Today. Right now. But these brand new shoes I just got in the mail would look really pretty great with this outfit I'm wearing tomorrow. I think I might be able to take on another day after all." Point proven.

Money may not buy happiness, but it can buy shoes, and that's kind of the same thing. Just FYI, if you come accross a fun pair of black flip flops that won't dye the bottom of my feet, a pair of sturdy tennis shoes, or maybe a great pair of brown heals, let me know. I've been trying to keep my eye out for these, but looking around the blinders I put up whenever I get online or walk past a shoe store is proving the task difficult.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I did notice your shoes yesterday, but forgot to vocalize it. I'm loving it! If it helps, you can take off your blinders and start looking for me!