Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
My sole motivation at times.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Keep your arms, legs, and cooties to yourself.

"Ew," was my next thought.
Pretty soon, a couple sneezes are being intermixed with such coughs. I couldn't bring myself to glance over, but I'm pretty sure I could see the germs projecting forward, emanating all kinds of ooze and bacteria even with a whole street separating us.
"Yuck," was the only thing occupying my brain.
Next thing I know my ears are being assaulted by the sounds of a nose sniffing in all kinds of garbly goop with great force, followed by a hefty attempted outward intestine flinging blow.
"Gross," permeated through my mind. I found myself subconsciously walking a bit faster.
Combining all 3 is a euphemism for toxicity, deadliness, contagion, and all things noxious. This is only something sweet nurturing mothers taking care of pure and innocent sickly children should have to experience. I'm not a mother, and he is no cute, unassuming child, and I wished he hadn't shared that experience with me. I could have done without that onslaught of my senses. Please, it'll be best for human-kind if you just stayed home tomorrow.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Please excuse my French.

Monday, September 12, 2011
I couldn't say it better.
Just when I reach the point to where I just barely don't understand, I'm suddenly thrust in and forced to do it. It's a whirlwind, let me tell you, and it's pretty terrifying at times, and all I want to do is shove my dragging heals into the ground and say, "Now wait! What is it I'm supposed to do?!" The only thing I can't quite relate to from this clip is the "that was fun" part, or the "I really enjoyed that" feeling. The only feeling I have is that my Eastern Australian Current is going to be a little bit longer than theirs.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Good riddance to Nasty Cat and all that he stands for.

Saturday, August 27, 2011
I like it hot, hot, hot.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Rappaccini's Daughter
Probably about 10 years ago, a family friend left their rats with us to take care of. They came home to dead rats. Growing up, some neighbors frequently had me take care of their animals while they left. They had everything from dogs and birds to mice and various sea creatures. Needless to say, they came home from one particular vacation to a dead hamster and a Beta fish gone belly-up.
The very worst, however, happened my senior year of high school. A couple in my ward, in all confidence, asked me to water their beautiful flower gardens, and take care of their 2 dogs they had raised from the puppy state, and probably considered them family. There were very specific directions for me to follow while they were away, and everything was going well until I wrapped the chain around the wrong pole to keep the dogs in the kennel, and came back the next day to find the kennel door swinging in the wind and two missing dogs. Now, maybe it's just me, but in my noticing I've found people tend to get a little more attached to dogs than a fish or a rat. People tend to get a little more protective of their dogs, and care a little more if they are dead or lost. With this in mind, I panicked. After tossing and turning in attempt to sleep in the backyard in hopes of them returning, scouring the town in a fanatical search, and calling the pound to report them missing, all accomplished with no results, I finally resorted to calling the couple to break the news...ooooor allowed my dad make the dreaded phone call. Turns out, if we had waited just an hour to make the call, the pound would have called saying two dogs matching our description were turned in, and what our friends wouldn't have known wouldn't have hurt them. Needless to say, the two dogs were indeed the blasted dogs I lost, and after a ride with two large, grown, excited canines in the back of a suburban peeing and shedding uncontrollably, they were safely returned to their rightful kennel, and I was never asked to house sit for the family again. I'm pretty sure we're all okay with that.
Although not the greatest, the latest is actually still in my possession, and I am counting the hours to which it is no longer my responsibility. My sister left for over a month, and I was placed in charge of several plants. The 6 flowers my little niece had planted and was growing are now down to 2 wilty, measly twigs on which it seems bugs have been feasting, and the plant that was received after our Grandma's funeral was found on multiple occasions flooded with murky, green, questionable looking water every couple of days, never quite soaking in or evaporating. I finally figured out it was in direct line of the sprinklers, and I can only hope I figured it out in time.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Shots of progression
As promised.
I turn around and alas! Cute dress hanging on the wall! And it still hangs on the wall!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Gotta love them neighbors.

Monday, May 30, 2011
Lesson Learned, the Second Go-around: A short history of the locks of love, or lack thereof.

After a couple days of grumbling, and many days after the fact, a few laughs, I decide bangs aren't so much my thing, and begin to grow them out...
...and grow them out some more.
And well, one thing led to another and I find myself with these as a result of another late night:
Striking resemblance? Yup, I know. Thought I would have learned my lesson the first time around? Me too. Hopefully next time I'll remember to just go to bed. Until then, the grow out process begins once again.
***All photos were used for the sole purpose of demonstration. Please excuse any blurriness or weirdness.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
My Fave-Day: Seabiscuit
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Creature of Habit
I've noticed as of late, however, that such routines have turned into something far more than just the mundane practices of life. They've morphed themselves into something more--weird quirky habits.
- I use the very same bathroom stall every single time at school.
- I've become obsessive over making lists, and then promptly lose the lists, thus creating the need to make more lists.
- I go to and from my house the very same way every time when there's about a billion other ways I could go.
- My morning and nightly routines resemble each other exactly from day to day. Every part of the process is carefully crafted and has a very specific purpose for being in its particular place and time in the sequence.
- Showering: Shampoo my hair first. Wash my body while rinsing the shampoo out (That's right, simultaneous action). Next, apply conditioner to my hair. Whilst waiting for my hair to condition, accomplish any necessary shaving. Rinse out conditioner. Rinse out and hang loofah. One last rinse of the hair, and turn off the water, lower the shower trigger and wait for the last little gush of water out the faucet. The routine feels so utterly incomplete without that gushing. That could quite possibly be the most important part. Lastly, open the shower curtain from left to right. Never right to left. Shower routine complete.
- I use disgustingly similar words when people ask me what I study. Question: "What is your major?" Answer: "Communication Disorders." And since the majority of people don't really know what exactly that means, I add, "So like speech pathology and audiology." Wait for the awkward smiling and nodding of faked interest..."It's fun, (short pause with a shrug of the shoulders) I like it." Said in attempts to fill that so often uncomfortable pause, and there you have it. Word for word.
- The right zipper is zipped counterclockwise to meet the left zipper on the leftmost side on my backpack. Every time.
- To save face, I shall refrain from continuing, but you get the idea.
That's it. I've diagnosed myself as severely habituated. I've turned into a drone. Too many of my routines have turned to a new extreme of a strange and eerily repetitive nature without my realization. It's like a song stuck on repeat that won't turn off. Yuck.
Needless to say the past week I've made a conscious effort to use various toilets throughout the day, and have especially avoided the inner tendency and extreme urge to use them in any kind of pattern. Watch out, next week I may just zip up my backpack to make the zippers meet in the middle...but then again, just thinking about that makes my nose wrinkle. Baby steps.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Bemused and Befuddled

Saturday, April 2, 2011
Near Dilemma
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Mommy wow! I'm a big kid now.
I didn't know I had it in me.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
This has been my life for the past month. The anticipation will be the death of me.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I love my house.
It's a tiny clink resulting from that of a tin bowl catching water from the leak in our roof every time it rains. We've got a whole symphony.
It's the sound of nasty cat, scratching around in our roof/attic/unexplainable area above our heads. I have absolutely zero idea of how it got up there, or exactly where "up there" is since nasty cat is nowhere to be found there, but it adds a nice mix to the percussion of the falling of the water globules.
It's a nice electrical problem creating a nice strobe light effect as the electricity in any given room flashes out, just to flash back on as we switch the breaker box. Drying my hair may be interrupted many times, but at least there's a nice disco atmosphere through the process.
It's the explosive water spewing--no, flooding from the tap in the kitchen and the resultant dance and squeal while trying to make it stop. It just adds to the rave ambiance.
It's the toilet that won't flush from either 1) plumbing problems, 2) a broken flusher, or 3) water turned off by the city for various other dance moves of girls prancing around with their knees squeezed together hoping the toilet will be working. Soon. Just in case the other dance moves were not to your satisfaction.
It's the outrageous heating bill that only results from pitiable insulation that you must pay to get into such an uncontrollable party.
It's the furnace that goes out to control the heat of this party.
It's one of a kind.
It's the one.
It's the only.

It's where I live.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Guilty Pleasures (Delicious food, fun cooking, and amazing photography--three things dear to my heart. I couldn't stop.)
and this: (A bottomless pit to a vast array of food blogs and websites. I may never emerge again. I will practice self control. I will practice self control. I will practice...)
You may have already been aquainted with said websites, but all I can say is this may become a problem for me. So if you're slightly strange like me and delight in this kind of thing, please enjoy; however, I warn you, I was allowing myself one more page to drool over for an hour. And that was just for today. Now, if only I could channel such attentiveness and fixation to my textbooks I was planning on reading during that hour.